Showing posts with label occult. Show all posts
Showing posts with label occult. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Women religious orders that are in SERIOUS TROUBLE because they’ve adopted false spiritualities – “New Age” and other occult practices - in a letter found on the Web Sep. 17, 2007.

At this website by various means we seek to defend life, to encourage Christian faith, to promote Catholic tradition, to edify Marriage in its link to the Creator, to encourage families and individuals, and to support missionary disciples of Jesus.  G.S.


Johnnette's current website & contact info

PO BOX 15907, Clearwater, FL 33766

Phone: 1-800-558-5452



__from the desk of Johnnette Benkovic

Please note that this was posted in 2007. In the subsequent decade, her husband died of cancer and in time, she remarried with Jack Williams and took his family name, becoming Johnette S. Williams.


     I had to write you this letter today to tell you about a serious problem happening in many Catholic parishes. This problem could spiritually devastate your loved ones.

      I’m talking about women religious orders that are in SERIOUS TROUBLE because they’ve adopted false spiritualities – “New Age” and other occult practices. Yes, a lot of religious sisters have wandered off to fables (2 Tim. 4:4). I wish I were joking, but I’m not. And I’ll prove it in a moment.

     How could this affect you and your loved ones? It might be something as simple as an announcement in your parish bulletin saying that Sister Jean, for example, is offering her Reiki class after Mass. What’s Reiki? It's one of the things I’ve warned against on television, radio, and in public forums.

     It claims to be a harmless method of healing. But it isn’t. It can be a portal to demonic influence. 

     The problem is that many religious sisters have been taken in by the new age and its false spiritualities. And because many pastors aren’t aware of the dangers of New Age occultism, spiritually dangerous programs often sneak in to parishes and retreat centers under the radar.

      And that’s why you and your loved ones could be placed in a position of spiritual peril.

      You’re probably wondering, “Is the problem really that bad?” Well, don’t take my word for it. Judge for yourself.

      One of my friends wrote to me about a shocking program for young mothers being offered in her parish. The essence of this program was that God is female! My friend got an appointment with the Archbishop to discuss this outrageous program, and the very next day it was cancelled!

      But like mushrooms, these weird programs keep popping up. A year later at a parish near the one that had the “God is female” program, an ex-nun offered a “healing touch” seminar. Here’s the kicker: At the seminar she elevated her Hindu “guru,” Si Baba, next to Jesus Christ.

      As if that weren’t bad enough, at the next seminar, this misguided ex-nun taught how to “channel spirits.” Two concerned Catholics contacted the Archdiocese about this disaster, and the program was cancelled that very day.

      Whenever you spot a “New Age” program in a parish or at a retreat center or at a Catholic school, I recommend that you contact the bishop about it. The bishops who know the faith are serious about eliminating all the demonic “New Age” programs from their dioceses – if only someone draws it to their attention.

Modernist nuns lead chant: “We are all mothers of God”

     This is a problem all over America. One California diocese has a “Spiritual Renewal Center” staffed by two women religious. The modernist sisters invite people to “come into union with Earth-Wisdom.” Their brochure offers “Spirituality for the 21st Century,” including “cosmic awareness,” ecology, energy balancing, and emphasizes the importance of being “in touch with earth.”

      Those who are looking for a “spring equinox celebration” can find it at the sisters’ retreat center – on the Feast of St. Joseph with no mention at all of this great saint! At this celebration, the group sits around a coffee table with everyone’s attention focused on an abalone shell and a bowl of earth.

     Catholic teaching strictly forbids such pagan practices. Doesn’t it grieve you that these weird “New Age” earth-worshipping practices are promoted in place of authentic Christian worship?  It pains me deeply.

     And these pagan practices can lead people into Hell for all eternity. See Paragraphs 2115 -2117 in the Catechism.

     To make matters even worse, at the autumn equinox celebration the participants pray this prayer: “My heart pulses in rhythm with Hindu flutes that delight Krishna [a false god] and the chimes of Buddhist temple bells.” How sad! These sisters and their participants have forgotten their first love – Jesus Christ. May they remember to Whom they are espoused.

     An innocent-looking announcement in a parish bulletin advertised a “celebration of the unity and diversity of all creation.” It turned out to be a New Age “Meal for Earth and Water, Air and Fire.” The participants chanted: “We are all mothers of God.”

     Lest we forget, there is only one Mother of God. Her name is Mary!

     Shocking as it may sound, many women religious have gotten lured into witchcraft, New Age, and pro-abortion causes.

     EWTN host Fr. Mitch Pacwa, an authority on New Age, points out that some Catholic parishes actually give workshops about astrology, channeling, and the enneagram (an occult method of personality analysis). 

WARNING: Please don’t read these paragraphs if you have high blood pressure

 WARNING: What I’m going to tell you next may really disturb you. So if you have high blood pressure, you should skip the next three paragraphs.

     The New Age enthusiasts within the Catholic Church even hold conferences. At one such conference, sponsored by the left-of-liberal organization Call to Action, the attendees celebrated Mass in a whole new way:

     The “Mass” was held in a big dining hall, and each table elected a representative to go up and get the bread and wine, which was supplied to everyone at each table. Everyone – women included – said the words of consecration. Everyone concelebrated the Mass by elevating the Host.

     And for a mere five dollars, any woman who wanted to be vested as a priest could rent a stole!

     What an outrageous perversion of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. What an insult to our beloved Eucharistic priesthood and to the One who instituted it.

     A well-attended Catholic conference on women and spirituality promoted a variety of false beliefs: 

  • Promoted pagan goddess worship
  • Fostered a sense of victim mentality
  • Mocked sin
  • Claimed the only sin is discrimination against women
  • Featured pagan rituals in the workshops
  • Encouraged women to establish covens (A coven is a group of 13 witches, representing the dark counterpart to Christ and the 12 apostles.)
  • Taught women how to cast a spell during a Wiccan ritual. (Wicca is a form of witchcraft.)

 How I wish I were joking

     I wish I were joking. I wish I were exaggerating. But I’m not. All of these shocking facts are documented. If you’re interested, you can read all about them in Donna Steichen’s book Ungodly Rage and elsewhere.

     This demonic New Age movement is also a problem at parochial schools and Catholic colleges. That’s right. It’s not uncommon for Catholic schools to offer such New Age programs as “The Goddess and the Wild Woman” and “Her Holiness: Maiden, Mother Crone.” Croning is a witchcraft initiation ritual.

     And incredible as it sounds, a “WomenSpirit Rising” workshop was presented at the provincial motherhouse of a major order of nuns. Another order has promoted labyrinth walks, Reiki, and other New Age practices.

Desperate nun says “We’re in trouble,” begs for help!

     I have such a deep respect for the vocation to religious life, and I am so grateful to the wonderful religious sisters that taught me through all twelve years of parochial education. What a deep and lasting impression they made on me and my life of faith. Perhaps that is why it grieves me deeply to see so many of today’s women religious wandering off to “fables.” Our culture is desperate for the authentic witness of their vocation! We need them in the world today.

      Let me tell you about an urgent call for help we received at the apostolate from a religious sister whose community is in serious trouble. In desperation, she said, “We’ve lost our way.” She said her community has established such programs as “the call for love of Mother Earth” and “the goddess within.” She also told me the sisters celebrate the phases of the moon and the seasons “in our newly built kiva.”

     “Kiva”? What’s that, you’re probably wondering? Well, it’s a Pueblo Indian ceremonial structure that’s usually round and partly underground. In other words, it’s a structure used for the Indians’ pantheistic pagan rites.

     Pagan shrines to false gods don’t belong in a convent, period.

     When this religious sister asked for our help, I couldn’t turn her down. We supplied her with the solution to the radical feminist New Age “goddess” nonsense. I rushed her the Women of Grace ® Foundational Study Material. She calls it “the perfect antidote.”

     She told me, “For many years now, the leadership of our community and all those who follow or fear the leaders never mention the Name of Jesus. Women of Grace will make a big change in this regard, bring us back to our original gift of ourselves to Jesus by our vows, and will help us appreciate the true gift of being a woman.”

     Many communities of nuns are in trouble. And you and I are in a position to help them. Funds permitting, I’d like to send our Women of Grace ® Foundational Study Material to convents all over America. This would do a world of good and prevent a world of harm. That’s because many religious sisters serve parishes.

     Make no mistake: So many religious sisters do such good. But so many misguided ones are causing great harm and great confusion.

     What I want to send to women religious all over America – funds permitting – is a big box of valuable, life-changing information. This information will encourage them, strengthen them, and help them grow in faithfulness to their vocation. It includes: 

  • My 234-page book Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life. Convert Ronda Chervin calls it “a beautiful woman-to-woman book on the way to holiness for Catholic women.”
  • The 95-page facilitator’s guide booklet: Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life.
  • The 232-page study guide workbook: Full of Grace: Women and the Abundant Life. Each chapter features the inspiring story of two saintly women: heroines of the faith that true Catholic women can relate to.
  • An inspiring CD of the Women of Grace theme song, written and performed by Lynn Cooper. This amazing song is touching the hearts and uniting true Catholic women – Women of Grace – from coast to coast.
  • A video lecture series on four VHS tapes or DVDs covering all aspects of true Catholic spirituality for women – everything that’s needed for living the Abundant Life!
  • A beautifully designed tote bag imprinted with the Women of Grace emblem. It features enough pockets and pouches to easily contain all the Women of Grace ® Foundational Study materials. This makes it convenient for the group leader to bring all the materials to the meetings.

Moslem fanatic slashes saintly woman’s throat

     If I had the time and the space, I’d tell you the inspiring stories of the saints I featured in my workbook. Well, I can’t resist telling you about one of these saints. Blessed Mary of Christ Crucified lived amidst Moslems in Egypt. Enraged by her stubborn refusal to convert to Islam, a Moslem fanatic cut her throat. She nearly bled to death, but she survived. She remained faithful to Jesus Christ in the most difficult circumstances.

     Another saintly woman I featured, Dorothy Day, had had an abortion early in life. But she repented and became one of the most outstanding Catholics of the 20th century. Yet another, St. Margaret of Corrona, lived with a man out of wedlock for several years. She repented and became a heroine of the faith. These stories set women’s hearts aflame.

 How to get the life-changing tools to protect your loved ones

     Because of the severity of the New Age crisis facing the Church, I’m going to ask you to consider, if possible, making an extraordinary tax-deductible gift. (Please note that the offer originally here in this part of the letter is now dated. For current offers and resources please go to the Women of Grace website and store: 

The saint who converted her adulterous, free-spending husband

     (This text refers to the same dated offer no longer in effect.) (In this box you’ll get all six amazing items mentioned above. You’ll get ALL the inspiring stories of women who became great saints, including the Jewish convert St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross who was martyred at Auschwitz. You’ll read the stories of great mystics like St. Teresa of Avila and St. Gertrude the Great.

     You’ll get the astonishing story of St. Catherine of Genoa, who overcame a miserable marriage and even helped convert her adulterous, free-spending husband! Another heroine, St. Gianna Beretta Molla, sacrificed her own life instead of having the abortion her doctors recommended. Her baby lived. And there are many more inspiring stories as well.

     In short, you’ll get the very package I want to send to women religious around the United States, and your gift will help me to do that.

     To show my appreciation, I’ll also include 3 programs from The Abundant Life. In these DVD’s our guest will tell you all about the New Age Movement, yoga and energy work, and reiki. I’ll also include an autographed copy of my book, The New Age Counterfeit. I’ve had priests tell me it is excellent and they keep it handy. This may be our best premium offer ever!)

     Please make a gift commensurate with your means. New Age techniques and practices are causing such confusion and chaos in so many Catholic parishes and retreat houses. Your gift will help me spread our urgent message and change more lives. Furthermore, your gift will help me keep all of our projects going full throttle through the financially difficult summer. As I’ve mentioned to you in the past, it’s tough to raise funds in the summer. (July 2007) 

     I’ll gratefully accept your gift – whatever the amount. No gift is too small, and no gift is too large. Please pray about my request, pray for the success of our life-changing projects, and sacrifice whatever the Lord inspires you to give.

     P.S. Your tax-deductible gift will help me reach souls and change lives. I have no one to turn to but friends like you to meet the enormous challenge ahead. Please pray for our apostolate, and be assured of my prayers for you at Mass. Please click here to makeyour sacrificial gift now.

In His service,

Johnnette Benkovic


At this website by various means we seek to defend life, to encourage Christian faith, to promote Catholic tradition, to edify Marriage in its link to the Creator, to encourage families and individuals, and to support missionary disciples of Jesus.  G.S.


© 2004-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Sunday, August 17, 2003

Astrologers Fail To Predict Proof They Are Wrong By Robert Matthews of The Telegraph - London UK - August 17, 2003

At this website by various means we seek to defend life, to encourage Christian faith, to promote Catholic tradition, to edify Marriage in its link to the Creator, to encourage families and individuals, and to support missionary disciples of Jesus.  G.S.


Astrologers Fail To Predict Proof They Are Wrong By Robert Matthews           (Filed: 17/08/2003)

Good news for rational, level-headed Virgoans everywhere: just as you might have predicted, scientists have found astrology to be rubbish, writes Science Correspondent Robert Matthews.

Good news for rational, level-headed Virgoans everywhere: just as you might have predicted, scientists have found astrology to be rubbish.  Its central claim - that our human characteristics are moulded by the influence of the Sun, Moon and planets at the time of our birth - appears to have been debunked once and for all and beyond doubt by the most thorough scientific study ever made into it.

            For several decades, researchers tracked more than 2,000 people - most of them born within minutes of each other. According to astrology, the subject should have had very similar traits.  The babies were originally recruited as part of a medical study begun in London in 1958 into how the circumstances of birth can affect future health.  More than 2,000 babies born in early March that year were registered and their development monitored at regular intervals.  Researchers looked at more than 100 different characteristics, including occupation, anxiety levels, marital status, aggressiveness, sociability, IQ levels and ability in art, sport, mathematics and reading - all of which astrologers claim can be gauged from birth charts.

            The scientists failed to find any evidence of similarities between the "time twins", however. They reported in the current issue of the Journal of Consciousness Studies: "The test conditions could hardly have been more conducive to success . . . but the results are uniformly negative."  Analysis of the research was carried out by Geoffrey Dean, a scientist and former astrologer based in Perth, Australia, and Ivan Kelly, a psychologist at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada.

            Dr Dean said the results undermined the claims of astrologers, who typically work with birth data far less precise than that used in the study. "They sometimes argue that times of birth just a minute apart can make all the difference by altering what they call the 'house cusps'," he said. "But in their work, they are happy to take whatever time they can get from a client."  The findings caused alarm and anger in astrological circles yesterday. Roy Gillett, the president of the Astrological Association of Great Britain, said the study's findings should be treated "with extreme caution" and accused Dr Dean of seeking to "discredit astrology". 

Frank McGillion, a consultant to the Southampton-based Research Group for the Critical Study of Astrology, said of the newly published work: "It is simplistic and highly selective and does not cover all of the research." He added that he would lodge a complaint with the editors of the journal.  Astrologers have for centuries claimed to be able to extract deep insights into the personality and destiny of people using nothing more than the details of the time and place of birth.  Astrology has been growing in popularity.  Surveys suggest that a majority of people in Britain believe in it, compared with only 13 per cent 50 years ago. The Association of Professional Astrologers claims that 80 per cent of Britons read star columns, and psychological studies have found that 60 per cent regularly read their horoscopes.

            Despite the scepticism of scientists, astrology has grown to be a huge worldwide business, spawning thousands of telephone lines, internet sites and horoscope columns in newspapers and magazines.  It seems that no sector of society is immune to its attraction. A recent survey found that a third of science students subscribed to some aspects of astrology, while some supposedly hard-headed businessmen now support a thriving market in "financial astrology" - paying for predictions of trends such as the rise and fall of the stock market. Astrology supplements have been known to increase newspaper circulation figures and papers are prepared to pay huge sums to the most popular stargazers.

            Some of the most popular figures in the field, such as Russell Grant, Mystic Meg and Shelley von Strunckel, can earn £600,000 or more a year.  A single profitable astrology website can be worth as much as £50 million.  When the Daily Mail discovered that its expert on the zodiac, Jonathan Cainer, was about to leave the newspaper in 1999, it reportedly offered him a £1 million salary and a £1 million bonus to stay. He still preferred the offer at the Daily Express: no salary but all the money from his telephone lines.

            The time-twins study is only the start of the bad news for astrologers, however. Dr Dean and Prof Kelly also sought to determine whether stargazers could match a birth chart to the personality profile of a person among a random selection.  They reviewed the evidence from more than 40 studies involving over 700 astrologers, but found the results turned out no better than guesswork.  The success rate did not improve even when astrologers were given all the information they asked for and were confident they had made the right choice. 

Dr Dean said the consistency of the findings weighed heavily against astrology.  "It has no acceptable mechanism, its principles are invalid and it has failed hundreds of tests," he said. "But no hint of these problems will be found in astrology books which, in effect, are exercises in deception."  Dr Dean is ready for a torrent of criticism. He said: "I'm probably the most hated person in astrology because I'm regarded as a turncoat."


© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2003.   Monday »August 18» 2003    


At this website by various means we seek to defend life, to encourage Christian faith, to promote Catholic tradition, to edify Marriage in its link to the Creator, to encourage families and individuals, and to support missionary disciples of Jesus.  G.S.


© 2004-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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Tuesday, December 11, 2001

Harry Potter? What Does God Have To Say?

At this website by various means we seek to defend life, to encourage Christian faith, to promote Catholic tradition, to edify Marriage in its link to the Creator, to encourage families and individuals, and to support missionary disciples of Jesus.  G.S.


While the author of this article considers the simple matter of introducing a whole generation to the elements of witchcraft as an undesirable accomplishment; it remains true that a key part of what makes Harry and his friends heroic is their loyal friendship, their kindness to others, their solidarity in fighting against great evil, and their family values and concern for equality of dignity and treatment for all. G.S.

See also: Open Bible Info on Harry Potter 

Harry Potter? What Does God Have To Say?

I am writing this urgent message because I was once a witch. I lived by the stars as an astrologer and numerologist casting horoscopes and spells. I lived in the mysterious and shadowy realm of the occult. By means of spells and magic, I was able to invoke the powers of the "controlling unknown" and fly upon the night winds transcending the astral plane. Halloween was my favorite time of the year and I was intrigued and absorbed in the realm of Wiccan witchcraft. All of this was happening in the decade of the 1960’s when witchcraft was just starting to come out of the broom closet.

It was during that decade of the 1960’s, in the year 1966, that a woman named J.K. Rowling was born. This is the woman who has captivated the world in this year of 2000 with four books known as the "Harry Potter Series." These books are orientational and instructional manuals of witchcraft woven into the format of entertainment. These four books by J.K. Rowling teach witchcraft! I know this because I was once very much a part of that world.

Witchcraft was very different in the 1960’s. There were a lot fewer witches, and the craft was far more secretive. At the end of that spiritually troubled decade, I was miraculously saved by the power of Jesus Christ and His saving blood. I was also delivered from every evil spirit that lived in me and was set free. However, as I began to attend fundamental Christian churches, I realized that even there witchcraft had left its mark. Pagan holidays and sabats were celebrated as "Christian holidays."

As time went on, I watched the so-called "Christian" churches compromising and unifying. I also watched with amazement as teachings from Eastern religions and "New Age" doctrine began to captivate congregations. It was a satanic set-up, and I saw it coming. Illuministic conspirators were bringing forth a one-world religion with a cleverly concealed element of occultism interwoven in its teachings.

In order to succeed in bringing witchcraft to the world and thus complete satanic control, an entire generation would have to be induced and taught to think like witches, talk like witches, dress like witches, and act like witches. The occult songs of the 1960’s launched the Luciferian project of capturing the minds of an entire generation. In the song "Sound Of Silence" by Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel, we were told of seeds that were left while an entire generation was sleeping, and that the "vision that was planted in my brain still remains."

Now it is the year 2000. All of the foundations for occultism and witchcraft are in place. The Illuminists have to move quickly, because time is running out.

It was the Communist revolutionary Lenin who said, "Give me one generation of youth, and I will transform the entire world." Now an entire generation of youth has been given to a woman named J.K. Rowling and her four books on witchcraft, known as the Harry Potter Series.

As a former witch, I can speak with authority when I say that I have examined the works of Rowling and that the Harry Potter books are training manuals for the occult. Untold millions of young people are being taught to think, speak, dress and act like witches by filling their heads with the contents of these books. Children are obsessed with the Harry Potter books that they have left television and video games to read these witchcraft manuals.

The first book of the series, entitled "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone", finds the orphan, Harry Potter, embarking into a new realm when he is taken to "Hogwart’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." At this occult school, Harry Potter learns how to obtain and use witchcraft equipment. Harry also learns a new vocabulary, including words such as "Azkaban", "Circe", "Draco", "Erised", "Hermes", and "Slytherin"; all of which are names of real devils or demons. These are not characters of fiction!

How serious is this? By reading these materials, many millions of young people are learning how to work with demon spirits. They are getting to know them by name. Vast numbers of children professing to be Christians are also filling their hearts and minds, while willingly ignorant parents look the other way.

The titles of the books should be warning enough to make us realize how satanic and anti-christ these books are. The afore mentioned title of the first book, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone", was a real give away. The second book was called "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", while the third book was entitled "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban."

Sadly enough, this blatant witchcraft has been endorsed by well-known and respected "Christian" leaders, such as Dr. James Dobson and Chuck Colson, who have proven themselves to be modern day Judas Iscariots. Nothing could be more obvious than that Harry Potter books are pure witchcraft and of the devil. The "Christian" leaders, however, defend them by saying that good magic always wins and overcomes evil magic.

This is the oldest con game ever hatched out of hell. As a real witch, I learned about the two sides of "the force." Apparently, so do many "Christian" leaders. When real witches have sabats and esbats and meet as a coven, they greet each other by saying "Blessed be", and when they part, they say "The Force be with you." Both sides of this "Force" are Satan. It is not a good side of the force that overcomes the bad side of the force, but rather it’s the blood of Jesus Christ that destroys both supposed sides of the satanic "Force."

High level witches believe that there are seven satanic princes and that the seventh, which is assigned to Christians, has no name. In coven meetings, he is called "the nameless one." In the Harry Potter books, there is a character called "Voldemort." The pronunciation guide says of this being "He who must not be named."

On July 8 at midnight, bookstores everywhere were stormed by millions of children to obtain the latest and fourth book of the series known as "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire." These books were taken into homes everywhere with a real evil spirit following each copy to curse those homes. July 8th was also the 18th day (three sixes in numerology) from the witches’ sabat of midsummer. July 8th was also the 13th day from the signing of the United Religions Charter in San Francisco. Now we have learned that the public school system is planning to use the magic of Harry Potter in the classrooms making the public schools centers of witchcraft training.

What does God have to say about such books as the Harry Potter series? In the Bible in the book of Acts, we read the following in the 19th chapter, verses 18 – 20: "And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the Word of God and prevailed."

As parents, we will answer to God if we allow our children to read witchcraft books. The Word of God will prevail mightily in your life only if such things of Satan are destroyed. This tract has been prayed over, and I hope it has helped you. If we may be of further assistance, please contact us.

Pastor David J. Meyer

Published by:               

Last Trumpet Ministries International, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916   


PLEASE NOTE: Pastor David J. Meyer, who died June 8, 2010, is remembered on the websites above. In his writing and preaching, Pastor Meyer labored in evangelical Christian tradition that looks upon the Roman Catholic Church with harsh judgement – many such Christians interpret the Vatican City State and the Holy See – the Pope, the Bishop of Rome and his Curia of close collaborators and their departments – to be designated by the “whore of Babylon” in the Book of Revelation.  

They make the common error not to understand that God was speaking of the “great city”, which is the center of human commerce and activity. To this day, the great city worldwide continues to be under the influence or control of the “prince of this world”, i.e. Satan. It is easy for any of us to judge wrongly and label those we watch “from afar” without really knowing them. Wherever we find human beings we necessarily find sinners. However, there are many there who are faithful to the Lord Jesus; so, we must not condemn everyone because of the sins of sinners, but we must discern the difference. If we fail to do this, then we find ourselves like Saul fighting against the Lord Jesus and persecuting Him.


At this website by various means we seek to defend life, to encourage Christian faith, to promote Catholic tradition, to edify Marriage in its link to the Creator, to encourage families and individuals, and to support missionary disciples of Jesus.  G.S.


© 2004-2021 All rights reserved Fr. Gilles Surprenant, Associate Priest of Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montreal  QC
© 2004-2021 Tous droits réservés Abbé Gilles Surprenant, Prêtre Associé de Madonna House Apostolate & Poustinik, Montréal QC

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